
Protect your business

Commercial Security Systems

Simplify your business security with a single app and online dashboard to keep on top of your store security.

Professional installation, 24/7 monitoring with hassle free software that grows with your business and changing security needs.

Commercial Security Systems
Fire Alarm

Fire & Burglar Alarms

With a single touch of the app, you can lock your doors, adjust your thermostat, or arm your security system.

With real-time alerts and activity reports, you can stay on top of your business decisions and keep things running smoothly.

Card Access Control

Smart, cloud-based access control, gives you control and more intuitive management of your business security.

Whether you need access control for one building, or multiple locations, the intuitive user management allows you to stay on top of your security. 

Card Access Control with Treasure Coast Alarm

Camera Security Systems

Seamless integration with the security app means you can remotely watch, in real-time, what is happening at your business.

Using smart security technology allows you to manage your business security while on-the-go.

24/7 Monitoring

With a single touch of the app, you can lock your doors, adjust your thermostat, or arm your security system.

With real-time alerts and 24/7 monitoring, you can stay on top of your business decisions and keep things running smoothly.

24/7 Security Monitoring

Security for your business

Protect your employees and business facilities with our professional, state-of-the-art, security and monitoring systems.